Prayerlessness profits nothing

I wanted to share this article about the importance of prayer by Susanne Schuberth because without prayer I would have never come into this wonderful enlarging of my heart filled with the love of God for all (see my previous blog article) without first spending time with our Father and Jesus in meaningful prayer. Thank you Susanne for your wonderful insights that have come from pursuing our Father in your life. mdc

After midnight and just before going to bed I often read T. Austin Sparks’ daily devotional. Sometimes his words strike me so that I need to copy and paste them, knowing that might turn out another…

Source: Prayerlessness profits nothing

7 comments on “Prayerlessness profits nothing

  1. Michael says:

    Susanne, thanks so much for sharing your life, struggles and victories experienced in your growing relationship with the Father and the Son and now this wonderful article about how prayer has play such and integral part of it all. You have been an inspiration to me, dear heart for which I will eternally be grateful. ⭐


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    • Oh wow!! Michael, I just checked out your blog site and saw that it was no pingback from AWV to EPL, but a REBLOG of my article. Thank you sooo much for sharing, my dear brother! It seems to me, somehow, we should have written our respective blog posts from today together. But, maybe, that would have been too long an article. 😉

      You are such a wonderful encourager, Michael! It is a great joy to fellowship with you in HIS Spirit! ⭐

      In Him,
      Your Susanne

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      • Michael says:

        Susanne, you are so welcome. It is a blessing to share from you something that so wonderfully fits into what He has been doing in my life. Someday God will make a way for us to freely write together in His love for us. We have so much that He has put in our hearts that begs to be released… in His timing and grace. Like Peter wrote,

        “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace [Who imparts all blessing and favor], Who has called you to His [own] eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be…”(1Pet 5:10, AMP)

        We are made complete IN Christ as we walk in His Light together for we are members one of another in Him. ⭐ ❤ ⭐

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    • Btw, I forgot to mention how touching it was for me to read your very personal introduction to my blog article, Michael. Thank you!! My brother, you are a great treasure and blessing from God!!! 🤗 🎼 🎶 ⛱ 😇

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  2. Lynn says:

    Love this! Praise God!

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