Constant Prayer

Road RashATV Wreck

From “Practising the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence…

“That he expected after the pleasant days GOD had given him, he should have his turn of pain and suffering; but that he was not uneasy about it, knowing very well, that as he could do nothing of himself, GOD would not fail to give him the strength to bear them.
That when an occasion of practising some virtue offered, he addressed himself to GOD, saying, ‘LORD, I cannot do this unless Thou enablest me;’ and that then he received strength more than sufficient.
That when he had failed in his duty, he only confessed his fault, saying to GOD, ‘I shall never do otherwise, if You leave me to myself; tis You must hinder my falling, and mend what is amiss.’ That after this, he gave himself no further uneasiness about it.
That we ought to act with GOD in the greatest simplicity, speaking to Him frankly and plainly, and imploring His assistance in our affairs, just as they happen. That GOD never failed to grant it, as he had often experienced.”

As I was flying through the air in that wreck I just had on an ATV machine two days ago, I prayed, “Jesus, I need your help in THIS one.” After looking at the wreck afterwards and where I landed thirty feet down the mountain side, I had to conclude the He had given His angels charge over me least I had dashed my face upon the stones. As it was I lit face first in a bed of pine needles and small sticks. I praise Him that the injuries were bad enough to teach me not to go riding when there was snow and slush on those mountain roads, yet minor enough to keep me from any real permanent harm.

The other thing that has occurred to me in all this was that I need His help, direction and LIFE in ALL the things I encounter each day, not just the ones in which I feel out of control. “For it is in HIM that we live and move and have our being.” The Lord is so good! (the picture of me above was taken right after I got home and I had not seen the humor in all of it as of yet 🙂

Love to you all,


18 comments on “Constant Prayer

  1. Maureen says:

    Michael, my dear, so glad you are safe! Thankful to Jesus that He heard your prayer, thankful that He hears them all. We are safe in His arms, no matter the outcome. Thankfully the number of your days is not yet at its end! Many blessings to you!


    • Maureen,
      While flying through the air in that wreck and even after landing, I had so much peace, knowing that to be absent from this body was to be present with our Lord. God’s grace will always be sufficient for us as we submit all our cares to Him. I know that He will be there with me when greater dangers and trials than this come my way. When we see them from the perspective of faith, all these things are there to build us up in our holy faith in the ONE who overcame in all things that this life on earth could throw at Him. This whole thing was a real faith builder for me.
      His blessings on you too, my sister.


  2. dimple says:

    God is good, indeed.


  3. wanda says:

    Hi Michael,

    I am so glad you are OK. God truly did give His angels charge over you!



  4. I’m glad to see that you haven’t lost your sense of adventure Michael! Trust me, there is a difference between what I had often been called in my past (a cliff jumper) and those who actually think before they act, Christian or otherwise. It may have been the unnecessary sufferings that led to me being a better decision maker today- or is it the fuel prices?
    Either way, glad your safe brother and still settled upon the rock of Christ Jesus. The wrong mountain can be dangerous these days- even the wrong place on the right mountain.


    • Michael,
      Learning that “in all things we are more than overcomers” then looking to see what the lesson He is supplying in each and every thing we go through and where He is either in it (or not in it and why), is what Life in Christ affords us who are His. One of those lessons for guys like us is, “Thou shalt not put the Lord your God to a foolish test.” This is what Jesus told Satan when he tried to get the Son to be a “cliff jumper” without a chute!

      Remembering that those whom the Father loves He rebukes and chastens is another aspect we must submit to as we grow in Christ as the Father’s sons and daughters whom He loves. But seeing the simplicity along this path of what Brother Lawrence saw and lived in was really refreshing for me.

      REAL life in Christ should be the greatest adventure that any human can live. So many precious promises are ours as we abide IN HIM and are being conformed into His image. There is nothing stodgy or prudish about our Father. Just looking at the life Jesus lived among as a friend of sinners and tax collectors and the off-scouring of the earth should be an inspiration.

      Love you my brother!


  5. Hosea says:

    Michael, to God be the glory.. I thank God for your life…agape


  6. Patricia W. Orr says:

    I thank God that you are safe.


  7. Mia says:

    Dear Michael
    I am so thankful that Pappa protected you and that you were not seriously injured!! When I saw your picture I immediately wondered what was wrong! Michael, of everything I have ever read apart from the Bible, this little book of Brother Lawrence had the biggest impact on my life. The other three books that I can recommend with my whole heart,
    In Pursuit of God – A.W.Tozer
    Experience God through Prayer – Madame Jean Guyon
    The Shack – William P. Young
    Thank you again for inviting me to the FB group. It was truly an answer to prayer for I was asking Pappa to bring people into my life with whom I can be open and honest about my love for Him and who would understand.
    Much love


  8. Rex Sheeley says:

    Glad your still here brother and the prayer point was excellent


  9. Innperlenburg says:

    Dear Michael,

    This is the first time that I’ve seen a picture of the ATV – it looks horrendous. The Lord REALLY protected you. Praise God!


    • Yes, my sister, He really did. If I had left the road five feet earlier, I would have gone head first into a bunch of jagged rocks. Five feet later and I would have gone head first into the tree that the ATV got hung up in. Ten feet later and I would have gone head first into a pile of logs and slash. I landed in the only place along that stretch of road that had just pine needles and dirt. Our God is an awesome God and He orders our steps and even our miss-steps at times.

      The way of the good man is straight; the road of the upright is made smooth by you.
      (Isa 26:7 BBE)



  10. UPDATE on the progression of my healing:
    God is healing me up a lot faster than I expected. My face is back to normal (no jokes please). My shin is healing up just fine and my ribs are knitting back together much faster than I expected. It took two months the last time I separated my ribs on the other side, but here it is ten days since the wreck and I am as far along as I was at the six week point last time.

    I want to thank you all for your wonderful prayers and for making me part of your loving family.


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